Something is coming and it ain't good. There is never a good time to raise these things. For the love of humor, God or Robin Williams - read and seek to understand completely with heart - for if the warning are ignored - we lose humor of the likes of Robin William

This past weekend I DVR'ed the "Band of Brothers" and have been rewatching a couple of episodes at a time. I have on DVD's Ken Burns "The Civil War". I also have the 1970's series "The World at War"

I have a degree political science and have a sense of history and rhetoric. As I am not a scholar - I ask ... heed my warnings and check out the news yourself. Spend the time to gain an understanding of the coming storm...and very calmly...prepare in you own way for what you want in the post-Trump era.

Prepare what you want when look back on during the next period. I'm thinking of 2 scenes in an episode of Band of Brothers - without dialog in which in Easy Co.'s Nixon comes across the Widow of a memorialized Nazi general. Her body language was of anger at Nixon. At the end of the episode Nixon comes across the widow in the recently discovered concentration camp - after she was ordered to help bury the dead in the camp. Are we in the beginning of our version of the episode? Come to understand how you want to be at the end of our episode.

Donald J Trump held a rally this past weekend, where his comments were repeated on Truth Social (his money losing site). He indicated that his enemies were non-human vermin that will be "crushed" - among other things. The Trump campaign has not disavowed the rhetoric and the RNC chairperson is not commenting on it.

There are news stories of purposeful leaks from the Trump campaign about a thing called "Project 2025" . These camps include camps. There are other parts of the that are...fill in the blank

I have also worked with computers for many years. That has provided me a sense of logic and reason. The logic and reason dictates that violence/war/hatred need not be ... especially in this coming period. The period between the "Great War" and WWII for Germany is a case study for our current time. Where the German people as a society could/should have prevented the destruction.

Can we do better as we are on a precipice of our coming period?
I don't know that I have the moral authority to speak this way.
I don't know many things - but I seek to understand - I have an understanding of what is truth.

I do know that Donald J Trump and his movement will lead to some level of not good things next year.

Remember, Trump established special commission in 2017 to investigate why he won ONLY the Electoral college and NOT the popular vote.

It will come either because he wins or because he loses yet again and claims a victory where there is none - as he did in 2016 and 2020.

Will I be on the enemies list of Republican/Maga for writing such things? As the fictional character at the end of "Saving Private Ryan" asks of himself - I ask of myself - we should ask ourselves -

Have I/we done enough?


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